Updated Blog Posts Bring Readers Back

Lisa Sicard
3 min readJun 17, 2022


If you’re a regular reader of blogs, you know that updated posts are always welcome. There’s nothing worse than coming across a post from 2012 and realizing that the information is no longer relevant.

Updated blog posts bring readers back because they provide current, accurate information. If you’re searching for information on a particular topic, you want to be sure that you’re getting the most up-to-date information available.

updated blog post
Having a blog post updated with the current date helps readers know it is a real update.

An updated blog post also shows that the author is keeping up with current trends. This demonstrates commitment and expertise, both of which are qualities that readers look for in a trusted source.

Being consistent with your blog posting for new and updated posts is of utmost importance to its success.

Updated Blog Posts Help SEO

Not to mention that updating an old blog post will give your post an SEO boost at the same time. So it’s great for your readers and for SEO. That’s a win-win solution for your readers and your blog.

However, you must update quite a bit of the post not just a few words in order for it to be a benefit to your readers and for your blog’s SEO juice.

Not only that but you can update old images, add videos, or a podcast to the blog as well.

What Else Can You Update?

  • Content
  • Citations
  • Facts
  • More Info
  • Link out more
  • Internal links
  • Click to tweets
  • Delete old content from the post
  • Add or delete affiliate links or ads

Should You Delete Old Comments?

When you republish and update an old blog post, should you delete the old comments? You may want to consider that if the comments are now irrelevant to the blog update.

Delete old comments that are no longer relevant to the updated blog post.

Some readers love to read the comments and if they no longer make sense or are relevant to the updated piece, it’s time to hit the delete button.

How Do You Let Readers Know of the Updated Blog Content?

Treat it as you would new content. If you change the date and republish to your front page it comes out like new content. The biggest hint that it is not NEW, is in the comments. However, depending on the relevance you may want to keep the older comments.

Sometimes, having more comments makes your blog appear better and more popular to new readers!

Next, share on social media like you would any new content. Then, boost it to generate more interest in your updated blog post. And don’t forget to send relevant internal links to the updated post.

Finally, add it to your email marketing schedule as well as any other promotional ways you share your blog posts.

How Often Should You Update Blog Posts?

As often as the content needs to be updated with new information that you have researched. If the topic has a lot of changes, then you could update it more often. Otherwise, at least every 6–12 months is recommended for updating old blog posts.

However, don’t update just to update! Evergreen content may be harder to update and may only need a refresh every year or so. That is especially true if it is ranking well on the search engines.

How often are you updating your old blog posts?

*There is an affiliate link included in this blog post.



Lisa Sicard
Lisa Sicard

Written by Lisa Sicard

I love helping clients with blogging, SEO & social media to grow their digital presence and business. When not working I love to hike, snowmobile and crochet.

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